Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Creative Thoughts : Where Do They Come From?

It never fails, the feeling I get when a satisfied client comes back for more. I am unsure where my ideas come from, although I am continually amazed at what triggers my creative thoughts; a billboard on the side of the road, an ad in a magazine, a comment from a client, a drawing from my 4 year old, an animated story told by a friend, the list is endless. My creative wheels are never at rest and are continually seeking new and innovative ideas for you.

Last year I had a client come to me wanting a design for their annual company-wide sales meeting. They had decided on a racing theme to get their sales team all revved up and was so thrilled with the results that they came back for more.

This year they decided on a boxing theme, the image below is what they are going to be using on punching bags, key chains and t-shirts.

I am so excited when I have the opportunity to work closely with a charitable organization. The Rotary Club of Oswego has accomplished so much with the annual Chukkers for Charity event, raising over $20,000 in past years. I had the honor of designing the Save-the-Date card for this year's event.

www.tashaleedesign.com • tasha@tashaleedesign.com

My Top 10 Accomplishments

Looking back to 2009, I am proud of so many things, It is very inspiring to look back on your accomplishments and create new goals for the upcoming year. What is your Top 10?

10. Tasha Lee Design co-hosted 2 events and was involved in the Chamber, helping out as much as she could.
9. I have surrounded myself with successful and inspirational business owners; who have become an awesome support system, not only professionally but also personally.
8. I managed to survive pregnancy and my sanity has returned, despite all the complications this time around.
7. I always wanted to pitch that 10 extra pounds; and I did it!
6. I prospected like a mad woman and attended a record high for Networking Events. It paid off! Even though my kids didn't know who I was some weeks.
5. I joined a second networking group DPWN, it is so inspiring to be surrounded by such passionate and accomplished women.
4. I was part of a leads group who organized and funded a Charitable Casino Night. We donated over $8,000 to two not-for-profit organizations.
3. I took my own advice and developed a marketing plan that I stuck to!
2. I used my couponing knowledge to donate grocery/health and beauty items to those in need.
1. I increased my business by 36%, with 2 little kids running around and being pregnant!

A holiday card designed for a therapeutic clinic. Classy yet traditional. Speckman Therapeutics.

A logo designed for an online girls t-shirt boutique. Offering t-shirts for girly girls who have a bit of tom boy in them. All styles offered in the colors girls love, but use images such as trucks, sports and dinosaurs. Visit the boutique on the web A Closet of Her Own.

www.tashaleedesign.com • tasha@tashaleedesign.com
Looking back on the past decade, I have accomplished so much and am so thankful for all in my life. I have a wonderful husband, 3 handsome boys, a thriving creative design business and a network of family and friends that I couldn't live without. I have learned to not only live day by day, but to savor every moment. I can not believe that my oldest son Josh is already going to be 4 in a couple of weeks, man does time just fly by.

I am looking forward to what 2010 will bring me. Wishing you nothing by success!

Tasha Lee Design offers a variety of creative design services for all your marketing needs. To the right are examples of two different customer rewards systems. The punch cards are designed to a standard business card size and are very inexpensive to print (about $35 for 1000!).

A great way for customers to come back again and again!

Below is a poster design for a bank showcasing that Crain's List placed their branch and a sister branch in the top 25 for performance rankings! In previous years, the bank took the listings to a local copy shop and blew them up to poster board size, how boring. This year the Branch Manager wanted a much more eye catching design to draw customers to recognize and appreciate their bank's accomplishments. Congrats to State Bank of Illinois for making the top 25!

www.tashaleedesign.com • tasha@tashaleedesign.com